French nature themed voiceover

Château des Gouttes
Documentaire animalier
Tetra Pak
Live Run
Château des Gouttes French documentary narration voiceover
Documentaire animalier French documentary narration voiceover
Tetra Pak French commercial voices
Live Run French product video voice

A French voiceover for your nature videos
Are you looking for a voiceover for a nature video or documentary? Throughout his long career, Tony Beck has recorded numerous productions on the world of nature. He will find the right tone to give your project a real impact, and his desire to continuously improve the end result makes Tony Beck the perfect voiceover for your nature project!
A client needs a professional French voiceover for a nature documentary
We needed a voiceover for an animal documentary and Tony, who is used to this type of work, gave us a perfect sound file. His tone and his performance were really stunning and brilliant from start to finish. A big thank-you!